through cooperation with local, national and international designers and partners, schmidinger möbelbau was able to preserve the advantages of a small craft structure and still acts as a reliable partner for customers worldwide. the family business in schwarzenberg, austria, has been managed by wolfgang schmidinger since 1986 in now third generation. ever since, schmidinger möbelbau produces wood furniture with state-of-the-art production techniques. in 1991 wolfgang schmidinger developed his own furniture series together with designer helmut galler and thus marked a significant milestone for the company.

three units characterize schmidinger möbelbau. in the »custom-made« unit, projects are implemented individually, according to the customer’s individual requirements. the »collection« presents serial furniture of international designers and is also aimed at trade partners. in the »sacral« unit, furniture for churches, chapels and sacral room is made.

design concepts and drafts are created in schmidinger möbelbau’s additional unit »development«. the team experiments with shapes, materials and manufacturing techniques. starting point are small inspirations and big ideas, the participation in competitions and the connection to and enthusiasm for wood as a material. once a product has matured, it finds its way into the furniture collection.

high design standards and quality made schmidinger möbelbau one of the best known furniture manufacturer of region bregenzerwald.

wolfgang schmidinger, Foto Adolf Bereuter

wolfgang schmidinger – schmidinger möbelbau

team player and visionary. it is no coincidence that wolfgang schmidinger was instrumental in founding the werkraum bregenzerwald. craftsmanship has undergone a tremendous change in recent decades. computer-controlled machines allow the translation of old handicraft into modern furniture making. a young generation of craftsmen faces state-of-the-art technology. yet some of the tradition has remained: the enthusiasm for wood and the closeness to people.

for wolfgang schmidinger, it is important to keep his workshop doors open. customers are allowed to see who manufactures their kitchen or where the wood for the ordered furniture comes from.